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A versatile surface decoration for architects

Glyph now gives you the option  to carry through to all wooden elements in the designed environment a common theme graphic, to incorporate a logo or to transform a mundane surface to a feature item.

We are constantly striving to provide viable commercial solutions for the use of marquetry in interior installations. We have the ability to manufacture repetitively in small or large format, and will as competently create single works for special installations such as entry foyers or boardrooms.

Any constructional element involving pressed timber panels can incorporate marquetry enhancement. This offers new possibilities with dados and friezes. Flexible sheets from about 3.0mm thick are possible as well as decorative or structural columns and tubes.

In re-fits and upgrades, marquetry offers creative scope to simply create a new focus in the design. This decoration has the typical wood 'feel' and atmosphere, can be polished along with the host panel and is built in, eliminating craftsmen on site. A range of coloured woods are available if needed.

When it comes to interior design, marquetry opens up some very interesting options. A cafe table top, for instance, can give the place its atmosphere; wood signage can subtly infuse opulence and Victorian magnificence without costing a fortune. Quite change a door by incorporating some marquetry, or use a wood finger plate around the knob.

Logos and other badges are simply made as individual buttons and inserted into or applied onto furniture to effectively tie the furnished scene together.

And here's a practical idea for the storage, transport or impressive submission of your blueprints and other large documents: put them in a veneered tube personalised for your firm or for the client, or both. Just another innovation from Glyph.

Hotel suite table centrepieces

A raw pressed panel ready for delivery to the cabinet maker. Destined to be executive hotel suite table. (1200 dia)